Monday, May 30, 2011

Baby Girl and Buddy have arrived!

Baby Girl and Buddy, goats that were given to us by some friends, joined our village (farm) yesterday! They are Boer goats. Baby Girl is about 14 months old and she is blind, but you'd never guess it. Buddy is about 18 months old and very protective of his sweet girl.

Baby Girl is on the left, Buddy on the right. They are unusually small for their breed. Baby Girl is about the size of a Nigerian Dwarf or Pygmy and, as you can see, Buddy isn't much larger.

 Our cats and dogs aren't quite sure what to think. Here's Sweet Pea taking a closer look.

Smokey is terribly unhappy. Not only did the goats arrive yesterday, but Friday, I brought home a new kitten. It's still undetermined if we will keep the kitten. We have three cats, so what's another when you live on a farm, right? Mike says no more cats. We'll see :-)

We are excited to have the goats. They will be loved and spoiled as much as they were at their previous home. The kids are thrilled and Gregory has been outside all morning with them. We weren't *in the market* for goats quite yet, and are more interested in other breeds, but they were offered to us and we thought that it might be a good start with goats. The kids can get used to caring for and playing with them, since they are small and we'll see how it goes from there. If we enjoy them as much as I am sure we will, then we will add some more at a later time.

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